Symantec DLP port listesi

Symantec DLP port listesi

Symantec DLP kullandığı portlar:

Protocol Default Port
Enforce Server Console TCP 443
Enforce Upgrade Wizard TCP 8300
Communications from Enforce to Oracle Database TCP 1521
Communications from Enforce to Detection Servers TCP 8100
Communications from Endpoint Agents to Endpoint Servers(version 12.5+) TCP 10443
Ports Used by Network Discover Crawlers and Scanners Many Many
Ports Used by Network Prevent for Email (MTAResubmitPort) TCP 10026
Ports Used by Network Prevent for Email(ServerSocketPort) TCP 10025
Ports Used by Network Prevent for Web TCP 1344
Kerberos port for Enforce AD Authentication UDP 88
SMTP server for system alerts and response rule email notifications TCP 25
Syslog server for system alerts TCP 514
Syslog server for response rule notifications TCP 514
Active Directory connection for LDAP lookup plug-ins, user groups, and user list, user risk summary(not secure) TCP 389
Active Directory connection for LDAP lookup plug-ins, user groups, and user list, user risk summary(secure) TCP 636
Connection to Data Insight Server TCP 443
OCR Server Port TCP 8555
Network Discover Grid Leader Port TCP 61616
DLP 15.0+ Embedded Apache Tomcat (communication between Enforce Server processes related to DLP appliance management) TCP 8080
Connection between Enforce and Domain Controller Agent TCP 443